

新西兰消防和紧急事务部(Fenz)的一位女发言人说,周一,八名工作人员和两架直升机正在对面积 280 公顷、周长刚刚超过 7 公里的热点地区进行灭火。大火烧毁了 180 到 200 公顷的再生灌木丛。Mt Aspiring Rd 目前已开放交通管制。公众被要求远离该地区。

The fire raged for much on Sunday, close to Emerald Bluffs near Wānaka.

瓦纳卡附近的一场大火的残骸已经蔓延了 200 公顷。


直升机被派来帮助扑灭瓦纳卡附近的一场严重的灌木丛火灾。大火烧毁了 180 到 200 公顷的再生灌木丛。

One of eight helicopters battling the scrub fire in Glendhu Bay.

As of 8.30pm on Sunday, the fire covered an area of about 180 to 200 hectares.

Smoke rising in the hills behind Glendhu Bay, Wānaka. People were advised to avoid the area.

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