Maori are not 原住民, they came to NZ from Asia a few hundred years ago. They killed all 原住民. There is stone building in Taupo as proof. However, Labour 磕头 at them to buy votes.
好想請教請教兩位 什麼是原住民的精神呢 什麼是原住民的期望呢, 講到天花龍鳳
連大國名片高鐵也踏媽是造假的!難怪全球推銷都賣不出去!NZ can buy some, that is our Grandpa Country.
電動大巴車自燃 竄出十幾米高的火苗 堪比火箭發射. We should buy some more CCP bus then. Good as fireworks.
突發新聞,中國高鐵倒閉破產,4萬工人慘遭失業!Use high speed CCP railways then. They have time to serve NZ now.
战舞!辱骂!驱逐!新西兰国会史无前例一天!Not like some evil nation, on their election, 2800 FOR, 6 Given UP, No AGAINST. So quiet.
新西兰政府考虑在国家公园和保护区收取参观费用, this is not news. Go to China, everywhere charge. including public toilet.