Why not pre pay 10 years benefits and pension? If we vote Labour next time.
Maori die some more, better off. Do not trouble the society.
600 suicide is ok, those who die do not add trouble to the society.
Guilty driver pays for victims medical not ACC is only way to stop stupid driving. No money takes it from their house or benefits.
政府的官員, 匪夷所思 ,將小朋友的生命至於不顧 ,他們真的不了解 奧克蘭駕駛者的魯莽
澳砸钱造弹抗中!There is only one common enemy in the West.
新西兰5大铁饭碗!Unemployed benefits, solo parent benefits, pension, sick benefits....One more, must be CCP spies.
注意孩子安全!Look out CCP小粉红, in Aussie put hot coffee on baby In Switzerland kill kindergarten kids in Shenzhen kill a 10-year-old Japanese boy....
公共交通居然每天超13起涉袭事故报告!I am a fortune teller. Learn Kung Fu or knee down to be executed.