可憐之人必有可恨之處, so why do we 可憐, those old and lazy???
Every a few years, National needs to come back to wipe Labours ass. They are releasing too many benefits to old and useless. Right now, National still paying for Labours bill. Next election they will be down. So, Labour comes back. ACT has high pay, let your listeners go there to work. Do you think ACT is getting minimum pay???
NZ公务员的工资成本超65亿纽币!nothing special, how much is the benefits and pension increase??? at least 6, 7 percent each year. Those lazy and stupid. not even be able to spell 26 letters.
ACC一年中从盈余9亿到赤字72亿!ACC should pay excess, like car insurance, then each visit and interrupter, pay $5, so those stupids will not just use it.