想回中國說成滾回中國 Go back to China, CCP 小粉红 are good. No sweat, here in NZ still get pension and benefits.
Chinese 洪水, was man made.
Our PM do not need to do show like the CCP.
新西蘭洪水總理沒有到,, 最欣賞就是溫家寶地震後第二天就到
其實新西蘭我們這個國家,無論哪個黨,都不是重點,重點是我們缺乏人才。對外 沒有人注意我們這個小國家,對內我們又缺乏有能力的領導人 有貧窮又有咁多政策 有好多嘢不能做如何有收入呢
Labour promise to increase 7 percent benefits and pension each year, they did it.
Survey result is so simply organised. If you ring up people at home now. 90 percent chance they support Labour, of course they are sitting at home, on benefits and pension. If you go to Auckland Grammar School at 3pm, 90 percent support National. So simple.
军舰沉没事件或受国际独立调查, just ask how your grandpa country deal with it. They have lots of experience. They just had a nuclear submarine sunk in Wu Han in May.
超速罚单与收入挂钩?Good, we are on benefits and pension. Means we do not need to pay for it.
驾驶条件“最恐怖”国家. Sure, lots of Black do not even have licence, no insurance, running on the road.