State house tenants are on benefits they are voting Labour. We need them to support next government.
Sunken boats??? That submarine in Wu Han???
这些所谓数字都是辅助, sure if you ring up at home, 90 percent support Labour. As all of us on benefits WORK AT HOME.
Luxury state house, you go to Mt Eden, there is lots of multi millions of dollars state terrace units. Nothing special. They are voting Labour. We build them for refugees. Labour loves refugees.
inflation only 2.2 percent?? Make sure pension and benefits only increase 2.2 percent not 6 or 7 percent.
樓價上升 , which is good, lots of us are stir firing the land skin.
海外投資, do not let CCP come to buy the whole South Island. The RED 2, 3rd generations have billions of corrupted 刀. Only Xi already has 2 little bitches with billions of corrupted 刀 sent to the US.
開放 海外投資進入我們國家新西蘭 ,.引發樓價上升 ,看看兩位又怎樣說呢。