Go back to China. Really learning good English from your DaMa.
天下乌鸦一般黑。 Agreed. Cops are bad, no matter where they are.
中國人有一句言語,吾日三省吾身。 這麼多人 針對 自己,我是不是要檢討自己呢???
吸引更多外资救经济??? Let the RED 2nd, 3rd generations here, they can have 1.8 billion birthday presents. Some might be more. Xi has 2 little bitches with billions of corrupted 刀刀刀 in the US, why not here in NZ. They will donate to Am936.
“食物银行”宣布关闭!Who care, if Work n Income close this is the trouble.
NZ政府计划改革海外投资法!吸引更多外资救经济, Let CCP send more corrupted 刀 here.
影响上万家庭!Cut pension and benefits? more than million not 万.
新西兰人最关心三议题!pension, benefits, prisons.
卫生部裁撤了两项高管领导职位!Hire 2 paying minimum pay to replace them. If they can spell 26 letters, already better 1/3 of Kiwi.