评论: 03/10/2024 新西兰职业PK!这些行业最吃香|AKL停车新规推迟, CRL新动向|中国WTO正式诉讼加拿大!|以色列:古特雷斯禁止入境!|对台军售又陷丑闻!雷神宰客!|印度芯片誓言两年达成?!英伟达三巨头承诺加码!
  • The old man in Jurassic Park said, I dont blame people I let them pay for it. So, to punish people is to punish them financially. Charge those robbers, thief with 刀刀刀, if no 刀, take it from their house, or benefits. So simple. Why do insurance charge excess for accidents?

  • 新西兰华裔移民代理冒领福利!Winston Peters? Why do only Chinese on the news, I do not believe, Islanders, Maori, Muslim, Indian do not cheat benefits.

  • 新西兰从事什么行业最赚钱?Sitting in motel doing nothing??? Homeless on benefits or pensions.