评论: 27/09/2024 严抓出勤率!家长纵容逃课或面临起诉!|新冠测试盒下周起不再免费|日澳新穿台海!澳部长将访华!中导永久部署菲律賓!|中国对加拿大开启反歧视调查!|印尼申入CPTPP|中美造船业,美国仅剩个位数!
  • 日紐澳軍艦首度同日通過台海, do not forget to let your 小粉红 know it.

  • 本地毛利人口:10年内增幅达46%!Maori is the noble classes, they are not working, so the more of this animal. Then the country is sinking. Who cares, I will not be here when they are having that many animals on this land.

  • Those who use NZ as stepping stone to Aussie, are wanting to work. While those who stay in NZ are wanting to take benefits. So CCP little pinky taking the best of both worlds. Leave their parents here in NZ for pension. While they are going to Aussie to earn $$$. When they are old, sick, weak and disable they will come back for our free medical and pension. I have a few CCP little pinky that I know over there.

  • 本地毛利人口:10年内增幅达46%!Sure, they want to use take over the whole country. One day, the whole country is Maori.

  • 严抓出勤率!Cut the parents benefits. They FARM their kids for benefits. So cut it.