评论: 25/09/2024 NZ净移民将在明年达到净零|不满薪资!四所大学同日罢工!|以黎全面爆发!普京库尔斯克重磅收割境内乌军!|王毅联大贴脸怒怼美霸权!挺阿拉伯兄弟!|中国反制!欧盟上告WTO|中国资产爆发,人民币望破7
  • 平常心說一句,新西蘭是比上不足,比下有餘 。在西方國家中,有自由, 不過都承受一些不同的困境呢。

  • Andren is good at communicating with media, so only pretending, doing all the shit thing. Our PM Luxon is better at doing not dealing with media. Anything bad???

  • Why do ACC claim a lot, as they are free. So set up a minimum charge, say $20 per case, $2 per visit. $5 per time for interrupter. It will significantly reduce the claims. Trust me, I am a fortune teller. $20 per case is not a lot, if they cannot afford to, then do not do stupid things. Go to schools, see how many kids are hurt, simply they dont care. My son was at Middlemore hospital burn unit. more than 90% chance the burn kids are Blacksk, simply they dont care them, who care when it is free. Jurassic Park old man said, I dont blame people, I let them pay for it. To punish people is to let them pay for it. Tourist should not be covered. Here in NZ, gold card oldie, all free transport. In HK, $2 per time, 50 NZ cents, so they will think before they use.

  • Massey University increase 2%??? Its an insult. Pension, benefits and minimum pay increase more than 6% each year. Lots of them cannot even spell 26 letters.

  • 新西兰疼痛医师太短缺!The University should try to train a few more later.

  • NZ净移民将在明年达到净零!Better not coming over, if they are coming for our free medical and pension. Well done. Look at how may in this country came here 30, 40 years, sitting on benefits then on pension.