早晨兩位主持,相信大家來自中國, 一定聽過這句話,大禹治水, 是以疏而不倒, 水才能夠疏通。強迫別人學某一些文化 ,反效果, 適得其反呀
Do not forget, if Maori is compulsory language at school. How many schools in NZ??? Each school has 2 Maori teachers....Then who is paying them??? The pensioners? Of course, the taxpayers. At the end all Maori will be a teacher or government officers. Think of it. Maori languages who are using it on earth??? Let your little pinky in China learn it then.
Maori is 亡国奴, why do we need to learn them??? Labour party feed them is to buy vote
四方!捅刀中国, simply they are the nations that everyone hates. They are attacking every neighbourhood country.
美台“史上最大”无偿军援要来了|, I support Taiwan belong 51st state of US. Is so, all the little pinky will go to the US first.
美国16亿“雇水军”舆论战中国!Do you know CCP spend a few billions on it. AM936 also receive it, otherwise will not keep/strengthen the brain washing each day. No use, all your listers do not even spell 26 letters, they will not affect anything. CCP spend $$$ on the wrong side.
2024 新西兰润澳爆发!Better all gone. They will come back when they are old, sick, disable, weak. For our benefits, free medical and pension. I am a fortune teller.
1.6万kiwis入籍 Work n Income will be very busy from now on!!!