评论: 0909/2024 新西兰扬眉吐气!夺回2024世界旅游大奖!疑似感染猴痘患者参加“冬季骄傲活动”,健康局提醒“自查”!又一起!奥克兰公交司机遭袭牙齿被打掉,下巴缝五针
  • So I support capital gain tax. Selling less than 5 years 50 percent profit. Selling less than 10 years 40 percent profit. Selling less than 15 years 30 percent profit. Selling less than 20 years 20 percent profit. Selling more than 20 years no tax.

  • To reduce car accident killing, so simple. Guilty drivers pay for victim medical, not ACC. It will solve. Right now, who cares. Die some more is good on our Work n Income and hospitals.

  • Tell CCP DaMa and 小粉红, think first before they are going overseas as 丐帮.

  • 兩主持,希望都能 在中國古代,「吾日三省吾身」是儒生為學為人的基本功夫。蘇格拉底說過:我最大的智慧就是知道自己無知。每一個成熟的人都知道如何反省自己的過錯,這個道理在古今中外都是相同的。一個能經常反省自己的人必定具有高尚的人格,一個善於反省自己的民族必定是一個優秀的民族。

  • Tell the German Navy look out, the CCP Navy will come to rob German weapons, like the CCP navy robbed Philippines navy weapons. Who like to use Chinese made weapons, they dont either. So robbing US/German made weapon is certainly better. So go rob it then.

  • German Navy pass Taiwan channel??? Do they apply Visa from CCP, its their Chinese Waters.

  • 新西兰扬眉吐气!夺回2024世界旅游大奖!Wish the Chinese DaMa do not come, otherwise NZ will need to learn Japan or Singapore, NZ needs to get rid of some Chinese tourists.

  • 奥克兰公交司机遭袭牙齿被打掉,下巴缝五针, I am a fortune teller. Learn Kung Fu or knee down. you choose.

  • 27岁毛利女王登基, good to have a 女王, all disputes as from the Maori tribes, can be resolved on the bed, not in the parliament.