Old buddies, taking pension, they think it is normal. Pension increases 6 percent each year is ok, not the council rate. Then rent it.
When CV up, then the old buddies want it. Council can put the rate on his house, when he sells it, council can deduct it from the house. No worries.
One more public holiday, if you are the employers, then what do you think??? National also needs to buy vote like Labour.
Learn Kung Fu and armed with weapons, do not knee down at criminals. Tell the Maori kings, do not let their guys trouble us, Chinese.
If you ask real estate agent, they will say its time to buy house. Better buy it from me. Isnt it???
大家想深一層 他們為什麼能夠一直都壟斷,一定有原因, 現在只是看到表面東西,可能安撫安撫一下人民而已。
早晨早晨,這些壟斷的行為,這麼嚴重 ,大家以為新西蘭非常廉潔,其實他們能夠壟斷,是有什麼原因呢???想一想就知道啦,絕對權力絕對腐敗。
Maori trouble traffic is normal.
Motorway tax 50 dollars per car per year. This will make a different.
毛利王 died, good or bad news??? They think they are the noble class in NZ. Maori doing all the bad things in NZ.