Guilty drivers paying for victim medical will only be the punishment. Not ACC paying for it.
Only laws with benefits will stay forever, Labour raised student loans no interest. This law keeps continuing. Or minimum pays increase 7 percent, then keeps it going.....
Why congestion. Which country has one third of the populations in one city??? To reduce the residents in Auckland is the point. New immigrants need to stay in other cities for 5 years to get PR.
Earn Kung Fu or waiting to be next victims.
Why still keep complaining guns, if the terrorist used a 4x4?? Do you ban all 4x4???
To reduce benefits. Solo parents, there is a professional called MUM. Women on benefits, why do their men do not need to pay for their kids???
亞裔,特別是華裔的精神健康 ,首先 要處理是華人的 父母思維的觀念, 特別是來自 極權國家 哪些思維,和傳統對子女的方法,非常影響他自己及子女精神情緒,要 治標與治本一起。
要有禁酒令,抽税?To punish people is charge them 刀刀, then they will think again. Make sure the tax on their medical not on pension or benefits.
You people come too late. Long time ago, my next next door white man told me. There was some year government offering the state house tenants their house they were living in. For not much extra payment. Where were those tenants now. I belief they all moved to the rich suburbs.
If benefits too good, the black farms their kids for benefits. Then how can those blacks teach their kids???