评论: 19/07/2024 大巴侧翻!多名中国游客受伤;新西兰多家银行下调房贷利率;引入国际护士,只是一场空?
  • 潤紐??? Coming to NZ sitting on benefits, free education, medical, then gone to Aussie. 潤??? God punish them. look out the last few years at the end.

  • For most cunning idiot. God punish them.

  • 新西蘭只是一個跳板,對很多行業,很多人都是一樣,華人也是一樣, 潤紐之後,就潤澳囉。

  • Why do driving tests is problem. As nobody needs to pay for second tests. To reduce medical problems. is let patients paying for minimum. Say $2 per visits, $20 per ACC cases, interrupter needs to pay fee....Why do you have car insurance, still dont want any accident. As you need to pay for excess. To reduce medical need is more important than to increase nurses. As a matter of fact, most sickness is from bad living habit. Then patients need to responsible for it as well.

  • 早晨兩位,你們說旅遊車翻滾幾次,一定開得好快,而且道路結冰,真的很危險 ,希望他們平安回去。

  • As I said, why 2 tourist buses crashed at the same place, all Chinese tourists. This is God punish them. Before they came to trouble the local.

  • 引入国际护士,只是一场空?The problem with our medical system. As a matter of fact. lots people love to eat junk food. Heart problems, diabetes, Kidneys are the main problems. Sick benefits also encourage the blacks sitting on it. To reduce sickness is more important than to increase nurses.

  • 多名中国游客受伤, Chinese tourist, DaMa are troubling the whole world. They have accidents is not new. as a matter of fact, their chance they have accidents are bigger than other counties. That is how the God punish them.

  • 奥克兰SkyCity赌场将停业5天, that is good news.