Maori are the voters of Labour and Green. Labour will not want to offend their pets.
Most cancers are from bad living habit. Those patients need to carry some responsibility. Why only put cost on tax payers. They deserve it.
NZ Cops said. If you are starting with a metal weapon. You are looking at murder charges. This is NZ. You are not allowed to defence yourself.
针对穷人?Do not forgot All Labour policies are to buy votes and not to Offend their voters. Including Green, watermelon party.
入訓練營, need to teach them now to fill in the Work n Income application form. This is most important.
教導兒童 青少年成長,要分清楚 關心 關懷是這個人, 他們的行為 是要糾正 ,入訓練營是要讓他們知道這個犯罪行為的後果。
在中國好像都有這些 訓練營,效果不錯Of course. Send our black kids to China, then the Chinese teach them. They will come back brain washed.
這個軍訓營,很想請教兩位, 在中國好像都有這些 訓練營,效果不錯,??
Kids problem come back to poverty. Offer each kid 1M each week 5k then problem will be resolved.
Whole world only has 1 common enemy. Your grandfather country.