Free Power??? I heard it in Wellington, free water, so they turn on water without turning off. Who cares? How about free power? No one will turn off heaters.
Correct. Maori is the Noble class. We are supporting them.
議員真的是擘大我眼講大話,新西蘭怎會是所有種族平等呢。joke joke joke
Maori strike? They are not working, how can their strike affect everybody?
Thats so simple, poor public transportation, 都沒有好一些的交通工具,當然要開車啦, 聰明一些回答 簡單問題。 AT 是要改組 with international 思維。
To reduce private cars. Learn it from HK, higher private tax, cheaper bus services, then this way will build the public transport better.
put a cop shop in CBD??? put a speed camera in the shop front then.
In NZ, only sitting on benefits is the best business. All others close.
為何吃粽子, 扒龍舟??