非常同意女主持說 新西蘭的領導人,都在玩遊戲 鬥氣 唔高興就唔畀你 小朋友一樣一啲,都唔成熟, 超級幼稚
No money rent then. I dont have money, so I rent an airplane seat.
This was not pay by LABOUR, paid by taxpayer. Labour only gets the credit. Just like keep increase minimum pays. The employers pay for it not LABOUR.
Free housing all NZers. then.
A lawyer told me, this is NZ. It means GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY. Stop comparing NZ with other country.
Last few years LABOUR, LABOUR needs to buy votes.
這一個公屋部門 早就,多年前,就應該改造啦, 一塌糊塗,沒人材,冇心工作
So, it is not fair for a 10-year passport, 2 months to apply, 6 months before expire day not usable. Then actually lose 1 year of use.
In your grandpa country, RED POCKET, still the same system.