關心我們的國家 。NZ?? or our grandpa country?
Sorry typo 讓我們更多了解和關心我們的國家 。
請問 Nancy office phone number, 我趕不及拿筆,謝謝
我們的國家 ??? This is our grandpa country.
cut tax, who cares? Most of us are on benefits and pension. Benefits and pension will not be cut. Who care.
因為你們時常都訪問議員,很好。每次都用半小時,讓 新西蘭新聞 報道少了,我愛紐西蘭節目,可以減少報導哪些國外 紛紛爭爭 激烈的新聞 ,而增加為我愛紐西蘭的新西蘭新聞,讓我們少了解和關心我們的國家 。多謝多謝
Once open a can of worm it cannot be closed. So free lunch will not be stopped. Otherwise, those FARMED kids will not nothing to eat. While their parents can buy more beer and cigarette.
果蔬丰收价格大降, Same as Gasoline. Why other sellers not selling cheap? They are robbing money from the fire.
又一公共部门或将裁掉100个岗位 Work n Income? Well done.