评论: 08/05/24 痛心!新西兰学生霸凌现象严重,OECD国家中最高;被指领双薪,优先党议员捐薪水给慈善机构;新西兰与阿联酋启动自贸谈判
  • 霸凌问题, learn Kung Fu does not choose to knee down. Beat them up. Do not think those white n blacks are very strong. They are all chicken. Once you reply they knee down. I have seen a lot of those chicken.

  • 专家害了中国又要害新西兰,另外霸凌问题应该得到全民重视和解决,不应该视而不见说在嘴上应该积极应对和解决实际问题

  • 在我認識的華人 家長中, 母親們不大意識到子女在學校被輕度霸凌,其實要從輕到霸凌開始,就要學習面對,告訴父母 ,不過,父母基本上都不意識到問題存在。 華人家長只重視學習成績,而忘記子女身心靈的成長。

  • 所以雖然說新西蘭是一個平等國家,其實不然霸凌 是很嚴重的 我們要多些關心自己的子女

  • 新西蘭霸凌問題,學校中霸凌問題,真的很嚴重,20多年前我已經經驗過,不是我自己,不過是親身經驗,我了解研究其他狀況,非常流行 。所以我有提醒我認識的華人母親,不要沉醉於進入名校, 要幫助小孩子養成有更大的抗壓 抗柔韌的能力。

  • Capital gain tax, properties selling less than 5 years 50 percent profit. properties selling less than 10 years 40 percent profit. properties selling less than 15 years 30 percent profit. properties selling less than 20 years 20 percent profit. more than 20 years no tax.

  • NZ Productivity? Most people on this land are on benefits and pension. How can NZ has high productivity?

  • Sickness is a good profession to get benefits. Why do you want to stop it? An Islander woman told me a few months ago, she was from one sickness to another. So whole life on sickness benefits.

  • Need to stay 20 years to get pension. Should need to work at least 20 years IRD taxed to get pension.

  • Another brain washing day. There was a US invisible plane parts in it was going to pass to your grandpa country. Us has no choice. So bomb it. Otherwise the whole world will be in danger.