same as cigarette. adult can buy cigarette and give it to the kids.
Gun collectors are legal. Cops should not have anything to say.
fill gasoline.
That sort of screws are not new. Car wheels has special nut locks are also has, need special adapter to remove the wheels.
My Number plates got stolen, then in 15 minutes time, the car has my plates went to fill gasoline.
Green party is watermelon, green outside, red inside. Only care benefits. Not environment.
Needed to be work at least 20 years, IRD taxed, for pension. Not just came to NZ, sit on benefits 30 years, then pension. It is not fair to the taxpayers.
Battery cars is very power cars, it has sport cars accelerations, why do they want to compare with small power petrol cars?
Battery only quotes to use 10 years. The real situations are less than 8 years. Then you will see, if the battery cars really cheap. And a few years later, you will see the dyed battery will need to be throw away.
Remove the whole building and rebuild it. It is cheaper.