NZ school system is Helicopter system. All kids promote only the Teacher repeat. So form 3 students learning 26-16=? You are coming to NZ because of Communist and benefits....
I was a NZ High school teacher, was at school 1 1/2 years ago. Do you know how the kids waste the food, how many food left in the fridge? It is totally waste of money to provide FREE LUNCH. Teachers is not a full-time job, teaching is a contractor job. Who care how many hours teacher works, as long as the kids learn.
Give each kid an Iphone will be better. Free lunch for work people? Why not?
NZ Work life balance? Most people on this land are on pension or benefits? Benefits and life balance, not WORK balance.
I support capital gain tax: Properties selling less than 5 years 50 percent profit. selling less than 10 years 40 percent profit. selling less than 15 years 30 percent profit. selling less than 20 years 20 percent profit. selling more than 20 years no tax. If National is not interested, I will suggest it to Labour or GREEN.
The camp will treat them like DOGS. It will give them some punishment.
This is a practice, later they will rob you.
The kids doing crime, because, they are FREE of CHARGES. What would you do? Later when they grow up, they will rob the bank.
記錄每一個人的名字, 派幾十 policemen 維持秩序。, use your brain. This will have a protest instantly. If the cop 記錄每一個人的名字, outside Chinese temple, then what would you say....
關於黑幫有大型的活動慶生會 ,新西蘭警方 經驗不足,應該在活動場所門口, 記錄每一個人的名字, 派幾十 policemen 維持秩序,發生機會就會少喇。