我們請韓國醫師來新西蘭, thats right get some more Korean doctors. Not just from Philippine.
會 支持我愛新西蘭,希望你們都能夠更宏觀,和廣闊的看問題報導新聞。
Of course, doing teeth in NZ. Getting NZ dollars benefits, going to China to pay for Yen.
Cut benefits, will force those kids not wanting to learn at schools start working harder. As they cant waiting for the benefits. They have to work after they finish schools.
BY NZ laws, If children not wearing seat belt, the driver responsible for it, if adult not wearing seat belt, then such person responsible for it. Why not when not wearing seat belts, they pay for their medical, not ACC? Then they will need to responsible for their actions. IF no money, take it from their benefits or on their houses.
People eating too much junk food, not looking after, drink too much soft drink. They should response for their teeth as well.
Dentist is cheating. Why cost that much money?
In NZ, you can live on your feet, in some countries, you live on your knee.