一个华人网站上有人在做广告提供驾照,而且不用考试, report it to the cops then.
Get rid of and blacklist those bad international tourist drivers.
New immigrants get points to go to other cities besides Auckland. If they dont accept, then do not come to NZ. So simple.
Send the car batteries to China then, at the car owners cost.
Those cunning Chinese, use NZ as stepping stone, take and learned then go to Australia. They will come back for our NZ pension. When they are old, weak, sick and disable.
Immigrants from South Africa trends to work. From China tends to sit on benefits. Needs to consider this.
Teh battery car subsidies can be used for building more chargers. Why do we need to subsidy the drivers.
Maori is not Indigenous People. They came to NZ a few hundred years ago. They killed the local people, Scientists found the old Stone building from the ancient people to proof Maori is not Indigenous people. However, the government has covered it up. So why do we need to respect those killer. Labour government need to buy Maori votes. National party does not need to. Battery cars need to pay for fee, fair enough, why do they only take it from tax payers.
才知道,原來工黨 是期望,或者實際上是與 原住民族 合作一起治理國家 怪不得每況愈下