In management of view. There is motivater and dissatisfier. Like state house tenants you give them a state house they think they own it.you give them 10 days pay. Later they want to work 8 days then.
Work 9 days take 10 days pay. Why not increase 10 percent pay?
Fire the employees. Do not knee down. As a employer.
Why do our prime Minister needs to negotiate with Maori king? What do they want now? Build bigger prisons for them?
The state houses tenants they think they own it. So why do we support them.
However this is democracy country. The big parties need to buy votes. Look at Labour, all their policies are to buy votes or not to offense their voters.
The more we help. The more we need to support. Get the poor to learn, nit work. Keep building state house is no use.
人都是貪心的 你畀佢多些東西,他就需要更多東西。所以其實 總理也不容易做,要討好這個党 這個族裔
嬌嬌小姐 紐西蘭遠在一方 沒有人看重,沒有人理,不是好事,發生事情的時候,你就知道啦。大家都是唇寒此亡。 同一天空下
Morning, who push force who, ???